Monday, February 28, 2005

Red and White Revolution

I didn't intend for my blog to follow politics--why alienate half your prospective readership by shooting off your mouth? However, I think this is good news.,2933,148962,00.html

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Discovering Story Magic

Yesterday, my local RWA chapter, Southern Magic, sponsored a seminar by Laura Baker and Robin Perini called "Discovering Story Magic." Laura and Robin gave a short version of this seminar last year at the RWA National Conference, and our members who'd attended gave big raves to the seminar.

Having attended yesterday's seminar, I can see why. Laura and Robin have put together a simple, workable story-building concept that helps writers distill their books to the elements that can make or break a story. The beauty of the Discovering Story Magic plan is that you can use it not only to build a story from the ground up but also also to examine a finished draft to see where your story holds together and where it falls apart. And it's not just for romance writers; any writer can use the concepts Laura and Robin have developed to make sure your idea contains the necessary elements to become a full blown story.

If you're a member of a writer's group looking to set up a seminar, this is a good one.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Free Mojtaba and Arash Day

Mojtaba and Arash are Iranian bloggers who've been arrested by the Iranian mullocracy for daring to speak freely on their weblogs.

Committee to Protect Bloggers has deemed today "Free Mojtaba and Arash Day."

Pass it along.

Monday, February 21, 2005

American Title finalists

Romantic Times' "American Title" contest is down to two finalists, both worthy contestants. Congratulations to Lois Winston (my Golden Heart 2004 fellow finalist) and Janice Lynn (my fellow From the Heart Romance Writers chaptermate). Good luck to you both--I hope Dorchester's smart enough to publish both books!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Welcome to my blog

I've decided to get back in the blogging business. I don't know how often I'll be posting, but since I've been using my homepage as a quasi-blog for a while now (with sporadic newsy posts), I thought I should come up with something a little more accessible.

Anyway, check out my home page for official news about my quest for publication.

I'll be posting more later.