Sunday, February 27, 2005

Discovering Story Magic

Yesterday, my local RWA chapter, Southern Magic, sponsored a seminar by Laura Baker and Robin Perini called "Discovering Story Magic." Laura and Robin gave a short version of this seminar last year at the RWA National Conference, and our members who'd attended gave big raves to the seminar.

Having attended yesterday's seminar, I can see why. Laura and Robin have put together a simple, workable story-building concept that helps writers distill their books to the elements that can make or break a story. The beauty of the Discovering Story Magic plan is that you can use it not only to build a story from the ground up but also also to examine a finished draft to see where your story holds together and where it falls apart. And it's not just for romance writers; any writer can use the concepts Laura and Robin have developed to make sure your idea contains the necessary elements to become a full blown story.

If you're a member of a writer's group looking to set up a seminar, this is a good one.

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