Friday, September 04, 2009


Chapter 5 of Code Name: WILLOW is up!

Lots happening in this chapter--blink and you'll miss something.

Today's bling for commenting: I'll pay your way (up to $25) to a Reader's Luncheon of your choice. (Birmingham's Southern Magic is holding a great one in the fall, with the delightfully subversive Anne Stuart as our keynote speaker). So if you comment and you have a Reader's Luncheon in mind, be sure to mention it in your comment.

Now, get to reading!

1 comment:

Jemi Fraser said...

Aaah! That was so mean :) I have to wait until next Friday to see what happens!!!

Great job of building the tension. I zipped through this in no time. I can't wait to see how they get out of this - and I really hope they do get out of this.

I'm wondering if Laura left that call on purpose!

PS - I don't live in an area where there are reader's luncheons, so don't include me in that.