I was hoping that dropping the cost on Playing Dead in Dixie would lead to a decent surge in sales, and while I am selling a few more books, it's not enough to counteract the losses that come with lowering the price. I like to be honest with my readers, so the honest truth is, I don't think I can afford to keep the book at the 99¢ rate for the whole month.
But I am keeping it at 99¢ through Saturday, so if you haven't had a chance to buy it yet, you can still get it at the 99¢ price this week.
So what are you waiting for?
I noticed the same thing when I lowered Midnight Sun to 99 cents. When I put it back up in price, I saw a bump in sales. Go figure...
I was selling quite a few more books, actually, at 99 cents, but the drop from 70% to 35% was killing me. I made more money with lower sales at $2.99.
I think, too, that some people don't take books seriously when they're priced lower than $2.99.
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